Oxford Centre for Global History : All Pages
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- Undergraduate Study
- MSt Global and Imperial History
- DPhil in History
- CONFERENCE: 'The Algerian War of Independence: Global and Local Histories, 1954-62, and After'
- SEMINAR: ‘Buccaneering and the political economy of colonialism: a case study from the Caribbean frontier’
- LECTURE: ‘Fanon Transformed? The New Writings’
- WORKSHOP: War, Health and the Environment in the Modern Age
- Professor Erica Charters
- Eamonn Gearon
- Taha Mehmood
- Global Nodes, Global Orders
- CONFERENCE: The Art of Independence: Visions of the Future in India and Pakistan
- CONFERENCE: Beyond the Home: New History of Domestic Servants
- CONFERENCE: 'The Practice of Global History' - 'Global Nodes, Global Orders' Leverhulme International Network
- LECTURE: Dr Ivan Jaksić, 'Lessons from Empire: The First Hispanists in the United States, 1820-1880'
- LECTURE: Professor Sheldon Garon, 'Transnational History and Japan's "Comparative Advantage"'
- LECTURE: Professor Jeremy Adelman, 'Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?'
- LECTURE: Professor Jean Allman, 'Toward a Post-Mortem of the African Revolution: Rethinking the Global Sixties'
- SEMINAR: Dr Tobias Metzler (Thammasat), “… we must prevent a further outbreak.” : Global networks and the fight against the ‘yellow peril’
- SEMINAR: Urban Spirituality in Central and Southern Africa
- WORKSHOP: Transoceanic Constitutions: The Corporation as Protagonist in Global History
- Gregory Hynes, DPhil in History
- Professor John-Paul A. Ghobrial
- Professor Abigail Green
- Professor Mark Harrison
- Dr Catherine Holmes
- Dr Conrad Leyser
- Professor James McDougall
- Dr Amanda Power
- Professor David Priestland
- Professor Alan Strathern
- Professor Stephen Tuck
- Professor Pekka Hämäläinen
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Graduate Admissions
- Further Subject
- Special Subject
- European and World History
- Defining the Global Middle Ages
- Globalising and Localising the Great War
- Comparing the Copperbelt
- Nomadic Empires: A World-Historical Perspective
- Research Seminars
- Global and Imperial History Research Seminar
- James Belich, John Darwin, Margret Frenz, Chris Wickham (eds.), The Prospect of Global History (OUP, 2016)
- OCGH project on the Global History of Capitalism
- News
- Professor Elleke Boehmer
- Professor Andrew Hurrell
- Professor Polly O'Hanlon
- Professor Nicholas Purcell
- Dr Simon Smith
- Transnational and Global History Seminar
- Professor Rob Iliffe
- Professor Wale Adebanwi
- Dr Alexander Morrison
- Kevin H. O’Rourke and Jeffrey. G. Williamson (eds.), The Spread of Modern Industry to the Periphery since 1871 (OUP, 2017)
- SEMINAR: Dr Robert Fletcher (Warwick), 'Decolonization and the Arid World'
- SEMINAR: Professor William Beinart (Oxford), ‘The Adamsons, Born Free and the late colonial era: images that changed the animal world'
- SEMINAR: Professor Vinita Damodaran (Sussex), 'Empire Forestry, famines and communities; Eastern India in the nineteenth and twentieth century'
- SEMINAR: Mining and Environmental Change in African History - 'Comparing the Copperbelt' project
- SEMINAR: Professor David Moon (York), 'The Amerikan Steppes: The Unexpected Russian Roots of Great Plains Agriculture, 1870s-1930s'
- SEMINAR: Dr Ruth Morgan (Monash) , ‘A Thirsty Empire: Water Scarcity in the British Indian Ocean World 1850-1945’
- SEMINAR: Professor Peter Mitchell (Oxford), ' 'Waiting for the barbarians: what archaeology has to say about southern hemisphere equestrians'
- SEMINAR: Dr Violette Pouillard (Ghent), 'The Imperial Zoo. The commodification of wildlife, colonial propaganda, and transimperial conservationism (London, Paris, and Antwerp zoos, nineteenth century-ca. 1960)'
- CONFERENCE: Global Cotton: Cotton as a case of precocious globalization
- Facilities
- About Us
- The Oxford History Graduate Network
- Stories of Survival
- Contact us
- SEMINAR: History on the move: commemorating the teaching of Jan-Georg Deutsch
- IN CONVERSATION: Pankaj Mishra, ‘Age of Anger: A Conversation on Nihilism in the 21st Century’
- ROUNDTABLE CONVERSATION: Populism as a Global Form - with Akeel Bigrami, Shruti Kapila, Saeed Naqvira
- CONFERENCE: A Violent World? Changes and Limits to Large-Scale Violence in Early Modernity
- WORKSHOP: Global Nodes, Networks, Orders: Global Orders: Three Global History Workshops on Transformative Connectivity
- Riccardo Liberatore, DPhil in History
- Eiko Honda, DPhil in History
- John-Paul Ghobrial, Associate Professor and Lucas Fellow in Early Modern History
- Sudbury Oxford Transnational History Foundation
- Visiting Scholars
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Prof. David Arnold, 'Playing with Fire: Heat and Light in the Environmental History of Modern South Asia'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Transnational and Global History Post-Graduate Roundtable
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Robert Fletcher, 'Deserts, Development and Colonial Control in the Middle East'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Prof. David Pyle, 'The Volcano's Deadly Work: Records of Volcanic Disasters in the Long Nineteenth Century'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Glen O'Hara, 'Britain, the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, and the Battle over Maritime Pollution in the 1960s and 1970s'
- Professor Eugene Rogan
- Professor Peter Frankopan
- Global and Imperial History Research Seminar Michaelmas term programme
- GRADUATE WORKSHOP: Professor Jean Allman, 'Gender and Post-Colonialism'
- Professor James Belich
- WORKSHOP: Gendering Internationalism - Gendering Jewish Internationalism
- WORKSHOP: Ecologies of Knowledge and Practice: Japanese Studies and the Environmental Humanities
- Dr Christopher McKenna
- The Global History of Capitalism
- Research
- Empires and colonialism
- SEMINAR: Professor Shinobu Majima (Gakushuin), ‘An unnavigable valley: trade and sovereignty in the forest of Borneo, c. 1878-1938’
- SEMINAR: Dr Peter Brooke (Oxford), 'Duncan Sandys and Decolonisation'
- SEMINAR: Professor John Marriott (Oxford), ‘Land and the origins of British India’
- SEMINAR: Dr Benjamin Mountford (La Trobe) & Dr Stephen Tuffnell (Oxford), ‘“Among these incongruous battalia, are represented the hopes of the world”: gold rushes and global history’
- WORKSHOP: Africa and Decolonisation
- CANCELLED - SEMINAR: Dr Manuel Borutta (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), ‘Capital of a liquid continent: the Port of Marseille, the Mediterranean Sea and the re-globalization of France, 1798-1935’
- The Jan-Georg Deutsch Annual Debate
- SEMINAR: Dr Simon Layton (Queen Mary), ‘Piracy and the Oceanic Turn’
- SEMINAR: Dr Dina Gusejnova (Sheffield), 'Islands and isolation in European history: Towards an intellectual history of the Isle of Man'
- SEMINAR: Dr Valeska Huber (Freie Universität Berlin), 'Channels of communication: Rethinking connections and their limits in the Suez Canal Region c. 1900'
- WORKSHOP: Girls, travel and global issues: multi-disciplinary perspectives
- LECTURE: Professor Colin Mayer (Oxford), 'The Future of the Corporation'
- SEMINAR: Katharina Oke (Oxford), 'The politics of the public sphere: print culture in colonial Lagos, 1880s-1940s'
- Dominic Davies, Erica Lombard, Benjamin Mountford (eds.), Fighting Words: Fifteen Books that Shaped the Postcolonial World (Peter Lang, 2017)
- Elleke Boehmer, Rouven Kunstmann, Priyasha Mukhopadhyay, Asha Rogers (eds.), The Global Histories of Books: Methods and Practices (Palgrave, 2017)
- New perspectives: Global Feminisms, c.1870–1930
- Professor Catherine R Schenk
- Professor Giuseppe Marcocci
- Dr Mallica Kumbera Landrus
- LECTURE: Professor Sir Paul Nurse, 'Science as Revolution'
- CONFERENCE: ‘CRN Conference 2018: Congolese Studies: Past, Present, Future’
- Global and Imperial History Research Seminar: Hilary term programme
- The Royal Historical Society 2018 Symposium, 'The Future of History: Going Global in the University'
- Graduate Student Research Presentations, Global & Imperial History, D.Phil.
- Graduate Student Research Presentations, Global & Imperial History, M.St.
- Professor John L. Brooke, The Astor Lecture in Global Environmental History
- Professor Wayne Lee, The Global History of War Lecture
- Research Associates
- Professor Sir Paul Nurse on ‘Science as Revolution’
- OCGH visiting scholar: Professor Minoru Ozawa
- Environmental History
- Launch of the Oxford Environmental History Network (OEHN)
- Oxford and Empire: Teaching Workshop
- Interdisciplinary roundtable: Global climate change and history
- Professor John Darwin
- Chris Wickham
- Professor Margaret MacMillan
- Professor Patrick O'Brien
- RHS Early Careers in History 2018 Workshop
- Humanities teaching award for innovative Oxford and Empire project
- SEMINAR: Richard Reid (Oxford), 'Remembering and forgetting Mirambo: Histories of pre-colonial war in modern Africa'
- SEMINAR: Andrew Buchanan (Vermont), 'Globalising World War II'
- WORKSHOP: Comparing the Copperbelt: Political culture and knowledge production in Central Africa
- OCGH hosts Astor Visiting Fellow Professor John L. Brooke
- The Royal Historical Society’s 2018 Symposium: 'The Future of History: Going Global in the University'
- CONFERENCE: Contemporary International History: Current Perspectives, Future Directions
- Global History of War lecture 2018
- Dr Erica Charters in The Oxford Historian: Global War and Disease
- Dr Christopher McKenna in The Oxford Historian: Global History of Capitalism
- SEMINAR, Richard Reid (Oxford), ‘War/time: global histories of a local conflict in the Horn of Africa’
- SEMINAR, Patrick O'Brien (LSE): ‘Debating the Great Divergence from the demise of the Ming (1618-44) to the industrialization of Western Europe (1756-1846)’
- Professor John Darwin in The Oxford Historian: Empire History at Oxford
- Dr Faridah Zaman
- Professor Patricia Clavin
- Professor Richard Reid
- SEMINAR: Valerie Kivelson (Michigan), ‘Celebrating religious diversity: early modern Russia and the power of typological thinking’
- SEMINAR: Valerie Hansen (Yale), ‘Locating the silk road(s) in history and today’
- SEMINAR: Michael Joseph (Oxford), ‘The First World War and the reimagination of empire in the British and French Caribbean’
- SEMINAR: Alexander Morrison (Oxford), ‘Comparing Russian settler colonialism’
- WORKSHOP: Knowledge production in colonial and post-colonial history (Comparing the Copperbelt project)
- SEMINAR: Julia Adeney Thomas (Notre Dame), 'The historian's task in the Anthropocene'
- GRADUATE WELCOME EVENT: Roundtable: How are graduate students practising global history at Oxford?
- SEMINAR: Hansun Hsiung (Max Planck Institute), 'Civilization and reproduction: the freedom of translation, Berlin/Tokyo 1908'
- SEMINAR: Dr Claas Kirchhelle (Oxford), ‘‘Dr Felix’ Fingerprint Bureau – Bacteriophages and Global Disease Surveillance (1920-2006)’
- SEMINAR: Bronwen Everill (Cambridge), ‘Empire of Accumulation: Consumer Value and the Labor Question in British and American Nineteenth Century Expansion’
- Past events
- Comparing the Central African Copperbelt: Kitwe conference, July 2018
- SEMINAR: Alenka Zupančič (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), 'Love thy neighbour as you love thyself!?'
- LECTURE: Carne Ross (Independent Diplomat), 'Anarchist Diplomacy'
- SEMINAR: Dr Katayoun Shafiee (Warwick), ‘Governing democratic futures: risky measures along an Iranian waterway, 1920-79'
- Symposium: ‘Race and Resistance: Understanding Bermuda Today’
- SEMINAR: Edmund Burke III (California) ‘In Search of the Sociology of Islam: The Revue du monde musulman’
- Launch of the Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH) network
- Book publication: Benjamin Mountford & Stephen Tuffnell (eds.), A Global History of Gold Rushes (UCP, 2018)
- Chiara Comastri
- Christel Arlette Zunneberg
- WORKSHOP: Pacific Worlds in Global History: Approaches, Challenges & Disciplinary Futures (TGHS)
- Benjamin Mountford & Stephen Tuffnell (eds.), A Global History of Gold Rushes (UCP, 2018)
- Feeding the Peace: the global impact of the 1918 armistice and its legacy
- CONFERENCE: Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence
- Kathryn Gleadle & Zoë Thomas, 'Global feminisms, c.1870–1930: vocabularies and concepts—a comparative approach' (Women's History Review, 2018)
- Gordon Cox
- Launch of the Colonial Ports and Global History Network, 8 November 2018
- Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH)
- ‘Whose Oceania?’ Panel discussion with Beit Professor James Belich
- Catherine Holmes & Naomi Standen (eds), Past & Present, Supplement 13: The Global Middle Ages
- CONFERENCE: The 2019 History of War Conference
- SEMINAR: Saul Dubow (Cambridge), ‘Global science, national horizons: paleontology, astronomy and Antarctic research in South Africa'
- WORKSHOP: Broadcasting decolonisation: the radio boom and the end of Empire
- Graduate Student Research Presentations, Global & Imperial History, D.Phil.
- Graduate Student Research Presentations, Global & Imperial History, D.Phil & M.St.
- SEMINAR: Faridah Zaman (Oxford), ‘Redefining the Caliphate: Indian Pan-Islamism in the early twentieth century’
- SEMINAR: Andrew Edwards (Oxford), ‘Cash rules: money and the British Empire in the Age of Revolutions’
- SEMINAR: Faizah Zakaria (Nanyang Technological University), ‘The colonization of elephants in the making of modern Malaya, c.1500-1900’
- SEMINAR: Federica Gigante (Oxford), ‘Physicians, agents and collectors: the importation and study of natural specimens from the Middle East in seventeenth-century Europe’
- SEMINAR: Amanda Power (Oxford), ‘Towards the Anthropocene: state-formation and environment in the global Middle Ages’
- The Jan-Georg Deutsch Annual Debate, 2019
- SEMINAR: Guido van Meersbergen (Warwick), 'Anglo-Indian Diplomacy in the Seventeenth-Century: A History in Documents’
- SEMINAR: Mandy Izadi (Oxford), ‘Indigenous Survival: A History of Seminoles in the American Southeast and Greater Caribbean’
- TALK: Konstantin Dierks (Indiana), 'Archiving Globalization of the United States, 1815-1861: Who Was 'Global' and Who Was Not'
- Past & Present supplementary issue: The Global Middle Ages
- Peter Frankopan, The Silk Roads: A New History of the World (Bloomsbury, 2015)
- SEMINAR: Dr Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins (Yale), 'From The End of Ideology to the End of History: The Strange Revival of a Discredited Idea'
- Rethinking the Contemporary: The World Since the Cold War
- Peter Frankopan, The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World (Bloomsbury, 2018)
- Miles Larmer & Vito Laterza, ‘Contested wealth: Social and political mobilisation in extractive communities in Africa’ (The Extractive Industries and Society, 2017)
- Miles Larmer, ‘Permanent precarity: capital and labour in the Central African copperbelt’ (Labor History, 2017)
- Miles Larmer, ‘Nation-Making at the Border: Zambian Diplomacy in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ (Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2019)
- Symposium presentation by Professor Richard Reid: ‘Contested succession and ‘civil war’ in nineteenth-century Africa’
- PER Seed Fund Award for ‘Oxford and Empire Tours’ Project
- Oxford and Empire: Public History Training Workshop
- Understanding Insurgencies
- Oxford and Empire
- CONFERENCE: Sensing Colonial Ports and Global History
- Publication of Prof Peter Frankopan’s new book, ‘The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World’ (Bloomsbury, 2018)
- CONFERENCE: Medieval Zomias: Stateless Spaces in the Global Middle Ages
- Broadcasting and Decolonisation: The Radio Boom and the End of Empire
- CONFERENCE: A World Transformed: The First World War and its Legacy
- Oxford in the Great War: Study Day
- Book Publication: Alan Strathern, Unearthly Powers: Religious and Political Change in World History (CUP, 2019)
- Alan Strathern, Unearthly Powers: Religious and Political Change in World History (CUP, 2019)
- John Darwin, Unfinished Empire: The Global Expansion of Britain (Penguin, 2013)
- WORKSHOP: Graduate Approaches to Global History
- Leonardo Davoudi, Christopher McKenna, & Rowena Olegario, 'The historical role of the corporation in society' (Journal of the British Academy, 2018)
- The 2019 Interdisciplinary History of War Conference
- Colloquium on the Latin American Debt Crisis of 1982
- Professor Philip Mirowski, 2019 Astor Lecture in Science and Capitalism
- SYMPOSIUM: Radical Business? Business and the Contest over Social Norms
- BOOK LAUNCH: Alan Strathern (Oxford), 'Unearthly Powers: Religious and Political Change in World History' (CUP 2019)
- SEMINAR: ‘Cultural Production in Africa’s Extractive Communities’
- Panel discussion: ‘The Trouble with Open Science’ (Astor Visiting Lectureship 2019)
- Roundtable workshop: ‘The Market and Science in Long-term Perspective’ (Astor Visiting Lectureship 2019)
- First international Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH) conference
- SEMINAR: Danilo Scholz (EUI, Florence), ‘What were the 1990s? Utopia and the end of history’
- SEMINAR: Quinn Slobodian (Wellesley College), 'Shatter the Map: How Milton Friedman and other Neoliberals Imagined a World after Nations'
- SEMINAR: Dr Catherine Holmes (Oxford), 'Approaches to the Byzantine Empire in the Age of Global History'
- Professor Maxine Berg
- 2019 Visiting Astor Lectureship on Science and Capitalism
- Workshop presentation by Associate Professor Faridah Zaman: ‘Pan-Islamism in Postwar Europe’
- WORKSHOP: Comparaison de la ‘copperbelt’: société, écologie et culture dans les communautés minières d’Afrique centrale
- Andrew Thompson to join Oxford from AHRC as Professor of Global Imperial History
- CONFERENCE: Convergence/Divergence: New Approaches to the Global History of Capitalism
- ‘Comparing the Copperbelt’ project holds conference in Democratic Republic of Congo
- ‘Towards a Wider Life’: Norman Manley in Britain and Jamaica
- Massada Public Seminar: Jewish? French? Transnational? Jews in the Resistance in WWII France
- Global and Imperial History Welcome Drinks and Introduction to 'Oxford and Empire'
- SEMINAR: Professor David Anderson (Warwick) ‘Global Struggles and Africa’s Cold War’
- Centre hosts 'Sacred Kingship in World History' conference
- SEMINAR: Dr Cheryl Birdseye (Oxford Brookes) ‘“You taught me language and my profit on it is I know how to curse”: Shakespeare’s The Tempest in postcolonial criticism and performance’
- SEMINAR: Dr Chris Vaughan (Liverpool John Moores) ‘The “federal moment” in East Africa: regionalism and the nation-state, 1958-1963
- SEMINAR: Dr Tim Livsey (Northumbria) - History Faculty Lecture Theatre 'The view from Ikoyi: negotiating late colonialism in Nigeria
- SEMINAR: Professor Paul Lane (Cambridge) ‘Droughts, Pastoralists and Identities in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Kenya: an Archaeological Perspective’
- SEMINAR: Professor Gareth Austin (Cambridge) ‘Global(izing) Africa: the case of economic history
- *CANCELLED* SEMINAR: Dr Benedetta Rossi (Birmingham) ‘Slavery in the Nigerien Sahel: A Resilient Institution’
- SEMINAR: Harriet Aldrich (St Hugh’s, Oxford) 'The Condition of Exile: Ghanaian Political Exile Networks in the Post-Independence Period'
- SEMINAR: Dr Dexnell Peters ‘Island and mainland colonies in the Greater Caribbean during the Revolutionary Era’ With a response by Prof David Lambert (University of Warwick)
- SEMINAR: Dr. Jeong-Ran Kim ‘Eradicating Pathogens, Eradicating Empire: Quarantine against repatriates in Busan and Japan after WWII’
- SEMINAR: Dr. Paul Merchant (University of Bristol) ‘Oceanic Perspectives: Towards a Cultural History of South America’s Pacific Coast’
- *CANCELLED* WORKSHOP: Global History Graduate Students Workshop
- Alice Baldock
- Galip Dalay
- Joseph Guido
- Steve Hocking
- Alexander Morrison et al (eds.), The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A collapsing empire in the age of war and revolution
- Dr Alexander Morrison publishes an edited volume on the 1916 Revolt in Russian Central Asia
- Reynold Kai Won Tsang
- Professor Andrew Thompson
- What have we forgotten about globalization?
- Swift against Empire
- SEMINAR: ‘Structure and Culture’, introduced by Chihab El Khachab (Oxford)
- SEMINAR: ‘Boundaries and Interfaces’, introduced by Peter Hill, Andrew Edwards and Juan Neves
- SEMINAR: ‘Africa and Global History’, speaker tbc
- POSTPONED - SEMINAR: ‘Law, Labor, and Social Relations in the British Atlantic World’, introduced by Sonia Tycko (Oxford)
- Keynote Lecture: Timothy James LeCain "A Post-Anthropocentric Politics"
- Workshop: Decolonising colonial ports and global history: rethinking archives of power
- Dr Jennifer Altehenger
- CONFERENCE: 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Global Perspectives
- Professor Patricia Clavin explores the global impact of King Tut
- GHoC project hosts ‘Convergence/Divergence: New Approaches to the Global History of Capitalism’ conference
- *CANCELLED* Public Engagement Workshop
- Professor Katherine Paugh
- Keynote Speaker – OSGA Global Forum Inaugural Lecture
- New publications by Professor Richard Reid on Africa and global history
- POSTPONED: Oxford and Empire: A workshop with Catherine Hall
- Workshop: Extractive Industries and the Environment: Production, Pollution and Protest from a Global and Historical Perspective
- Richard Reid, Time and Distance: reflections on local and global history from East Africa
- Richard Reid, Remembering and forgetting Mirambo: Histories of war in modern Africa
- Yusen Yu
- Kevin Fogg publishes monograph on Islam in Indonesia's revolution
- Kevin Fogg, Indonesia's Islamic Revolution
- Pekka Hämäläinen, Lakota America, A New History of Indigenous Power
- Pekka Hämäläinen publishes monograph 'Lakota America, A New History of Indigenous Power'
- Equality through the Market Milton Friedman and the Origins of Universal Basic Income, Dr Daniel Zamora
- Fishing and the Global History of Conservation: Preliminary Comparisons of Past and Present
- Dr Fanny Bessard
- The James Ford Lectures in British History
- History Faculty James Ford Lectures
- Professor Peter Frankopan has won the Calliope Prize for Practical Migration Research 2019
- SEMINAR: Professor Saliha Belmessous (University of Southern Wales) 'International treaties as imperial social contracts'
- SEMINAR: Professor Trevor Burnard (University of Melbourne), '“A pack of knaves”: the Royal African Company, large plantations and the rise of the planter class and imperial commitment to the support of slavery in British America 1672-1708'
- SEMINAR: Dr Jennifer Altehenger (Merton, Oxford), 'Materials, design and revolution in the making of modern China'
- SEMINAR: Dr Benedetta Rossi (Birmingham), ‘Slavery in the Nigerian Sahel: a resilient institution’
- SEMINAR: Dr Alex Middleton (Christchurch, Oxford), 'Napoleon III, the invasion of Mexico, and mid-Victorian Liberalism'
- SEMINAR: Dr Dexnell Peters (Exeter, Oxford), ‘Revolution, empire and entangled history in the Southern Caribbean’
- Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations
- *POSTPONED*: Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations
- SEMINAR: (TGHS) Dr Declan Gilmore-Kavanagh (Kent), 'Approaches to Queer History'
- WORKSHOP: (TGHS) Global History Graduate Students Workshop 1
- SEMINAR: (TGHS) Dr Eleanor Janega (London School of Economics), 'Suspect Women: sex-work, gossip and reputation in 14th century Prague'
- CANCELLED - WORKSHOP: (TGHS) Global History Graduate Students Workshop 2
- John-Paul Ghobrial, Global History and Microhistory: a Supplement Volume of Past and Present
- Can there be a global micro history?
- Professor John Darwin awarded CBE
- Bodleian Fellows Seminar: Dr Jenna Marshall (Kassel). 'Creolising Fabians at the end of empire: contested visions of postwar development policies in the Caribbean and South East Asia'
- The James Ford Lectures : Demography and Marriage
- The James Ford Lectures : Race and Belonging
- SEMINAR: Iberian History Seminar Regina Grafe (European University Institute), ‘Piezas de Indias and asientos: Imperial regulation, commercial practices, and the pan-European genesis of the trade in enslaved Africans in Spanish America’)
- POSTPONED - WORKSHOP: The Art of Dissent in the Iberian World 1500-1700
- The James Ford Lectures : Property and Pensions
- The James Ford Lectures : Material Cultures and Homes
- The James Ford Lectures : Dynasty and Violence
- POSTPONED - CONFERENCE: The Oxford Sudbury Transnational and Global History Seminar (TGHS) Graduate Conference 2020: Global Bodies, Global Lives
- Call for Papers: TGHS Conference: Global Bodies, Global Lives
- The Mao Era in Objects website
- POSTPONED - CONFERENCE: Myriad Materialities: Towards a New Global Writing of Colonial Ports and Port Cities
- *POSTPONED* WORKSHOP: Managing Airs and Climates: New approaches from History and Beyond
- Professor Paul Betts
- CANCELLED - LECTURE: Linda Colley – Warfare and the Global Spread of Constitutions: An Argument
- Robert N McCauley
- New Global History of Medicine reading group discusses Covid-19
- Iva Peša, Crops and Copper: Agriculture and Urbanism on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950–2000
- CONFERENCE - Comparing the Copperbelt: Social history and knowledge production in Central Africa
- CALL FOR PAPERS - Comparing the Copperbelt: Social history and knowledge production in Central Africa, revised date 17-19 June 2021 (Oxford)
- Professor Catherine Schenk awarded ERC grant for new research project
- New publications by Comparing the Copperbelt's Dr Iva Peša
- Iva Peša, 'Mining, Waste and Environmental Thought on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950–2000'
- Oxford and Empire
- Two years of the Oxford and Empire Project
- Dr Dexnell Peters
- Professor Youssef Cassis
- Professor Ian McBride
- Alan Strathern wins WHA Bentley Prize
- CFP: Transnational & Global History Seminar (Michaelmas Term 2020)
- MSt Global and Imperial History since 1400
- DPhil Study
- SEMINAR: Professor Andrew Thompson (Oxford), ‘The Human Rights of Political Detainees - Nelson Mandela, Robben Island and the International Committee of the Red Cross'
- SEMINAR: Professor Faisal Devji (Oxford), ‘Escaping the Global Event: India, Islam and the Great War'
- SEMINAR: Dr Hannah Theaker (Oxford), ‘Chinese Partition: Islamophobic Inheritances in the Legacies of the Great Northwestern Rebellion, 1860-1874'
- SEMINAR: Dr William Ashworth (Liverpool), 'Eric Williams Revisited: The State, Protectionism, Slavery, and Industrialisation, 1700-1800’
- SEMINAR: Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh (Oxford), ‘Toussaint Louverture, the Black Spartacus of Saint-Domingue’
- SEMINAR: Professor Keith Breckenridge (Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research), ‘Revenge of the Commons: property, debt and collateral in the history of African financial capitalism'
- SEMINAR: Dr Mishka Sinha (Oxford), 'Ordering the East- publishers’ series and the invention of the oriental classic, 1878-1950’
- SEMINAR: Dr Graeme Thompson (Harvard), 'Kin Beyond Sea': W.E. Gladstone on Liberalism, Empire, and America, 1846-1898’
- Benjamin Arrona
- Michael Collins
- Zhou (Joe) Fang
- Eirik Kvindesland
- KDee Aimiti Ma'ia'i
- Michael T. Roberts
- James Alexander Samuel Sunderland
- Weihan Sun
- Amy Tibble
- Itamar Toussia Cohen
- SEMINAR (History of War): Conversation: The Ethics of Writing Modern War: Kim Wagner (QMUL), Richard Reid (Oxford), Priya Atwal (Independent)
- Richard Reid, 'Shallow Graves: A Memoir of the Ethiopia–Eritrea War'
- Iva Peša, 'Between waste and profit: Environmental values on the Central African Copperbelt'
- A personal account of the Eritrea-Ethiopia war (1998-2000) by Richard Reid
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Welcome and Open Round Table Discussion
- Giuseppe Marcocci, 'The Globe on Paper'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Eleanor Janega (LSE), 'Suspect women: sex-work, gossip and reputation in 14th century Prague'
- SPECIAL EVENT (TGHS): Race, Research, and the University: Historians’ Approaches - in collaboration with Race Equality Action Group (REAG)
- SEMINAR (TGHS): David Goldblatt, 'The Age of Football: The Global Game in the 21st Century'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - 'Building Legitamacy'
- Seminar (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - 'Minorities, refugees, others'
- LECTURE: Dr Taha Yasin Arslan (Medeniyet University, Istanbul), 'Rings of Heaven' - Knowledge in Motion - Science and Medicine in the Islamic World Online Lectures
- LECTURE: Professor Julia Bray (Oriental Studies, Oxford), 'Arabic Books and Astronomy in Seventeenth-Century Oxford' - Knowledge in Motion - Science and Medicine in the Islamic World Lecture Series
- LECTURE: Daniel Burt, 'Board Games and Medieval Medicine' - Knowledge in Motion - Science and Medicine in the Islamic World Lecture Series
- LECTURE: Dr Taha Yasin Arslan (Medeniyet University, Istanbul), 'Is ‘Science’ Always Exact?' - Knowledge in Motion - Science and Medicine in the Islamic World Lecture Series
- Giuseppe Marcocci's new book 'The Globe on Paper'
- Knowledge in Motion – Science and Medicine in the Islamic World - online lecture series
- Dr Todd Hall
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - 'Managing Disease'
- E. Charters, M. Houllemare, P. Wilson (eds.), 'A Global History of Early Modern Violence'
- New publication, 'A Global History of Early Modern Violence'
- New doctoral studentship: Women and Work in the City of London, 1870-1970, in partnership with the Baring Archive
- Political Economy and Culture in Global History/Capitalism in Global History blog post series and virtual online workshops
- WORKSHOP: Maxine Berg (Warwick): Capitalism in Global History, articles from the virtual issue and elsewhere
- WORKSHOP: Joanna Innes (Oxford): Political Economy and Culture in Global History, series of blog posts
- WORKSHOP: Jeremy Adelman (Princeton): Capitalism in Global History, editors' introduction
- Nicola Carotenuto
- New publication 'The Russian Conquest of Central Asia' by Alexander Morrison
- Alexander Morrison, 'The Russian Conquest of Central Asia'
- Virtual issue of 'Past & Present' on 'Capitalism and Global History' out now
- Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000
- CFP: Transnational & Global History Seminar (Hilary Term 2021)
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Katie Donington (London South Bank), ‘The Bonds of Family’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Nükhet Varlik (Rutgers), 'Plagued Legacies: Rethinking Black Death Narratives’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Emma Hunter (Edinburgh), 'Colonial public spheres, liberal thought and indirect rule in interwar Africa'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Stuart Ward (Copenhagen), ‘“Stop the World”: The end of empire and the “break-up of Britain”’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Philip Murphy (School of Advanced Study), 'Andrew Roth's End of Empire: An Unfinished History of Decolonization'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Krishan Kumar (Virginia), ‘Empire and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)’
- Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations 1
- Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations 2
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Translating Education'
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Oxford and the Americas'
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Oxford and Oriental Studies'
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Voyages and Voyagers'
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Oxford City and Empire'
- Oxford and Empire Network: Travel and Translation series - 'Forced Migration and Colonial Legacies'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Open Round Table Discussion Topic: Global History in the Making: Coups, Covid and Conspiracies
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - Identity
- SPECIAL EVENT (TGHS): Reading Group in collaboration with Race Equality Action Group (REAG) 'Race, Teaching, and the University: Historians' Approaches'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - Global Childhood
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Rachel Taylor (Oxford), 'African Cosmopolitans: Nyamwezi Men in Precolonial and Colonial East Africa'
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations - Colonialism on the Ground
- Global & Imperial History Research Seminar programme for Hilary Term 2021
- Oxford & Empire podcasts now available
- READING GROUP: Jeremy Adelman, 'Ecology and the commons'
- READING GROUP: Katherine Paugh (Oxford), 'Social reproduction and labour'
- READING GROUP: William Clarence-Smith (SOAS), 'Manufacturing in the ‘Third World’, 1840s-1940s '
- Political Economy and Culture in Global History reading group meetings
- Now available online (Open Access): ‘Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities’
- M. Larmer, E. Guene, B. Henriet, I. Peša, R. Taylor (eds.), 'Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities'
- Dr Mads Bomholt Nielsen
- TGHS: The Jan-Georg Deutsch Debate: Motion 'Global History is an Inherently Western Project’
- Global History and Microhistory: AHRC Network
- OxEmp – Bodleian Workshop: The Black Atlantic
- About
- How Epidemics End: A multidisciplinary project
- CONFERENCE: Identity Abroad in Central and Late Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
- Call for Papers: Identity Abroad conference
- How epidemics ends. New ways of learning from the past.
- Nuffield/FCDO Humanitarian Forum
- Professor Sir Michael Aaronson
- The Ethiopian crisis – a historical context
- M. Larmer, 'Living for the City: Social Change and Knowledge Production in the Central African Copperbelt’
- New publication: 'Living for the City: Social Change and Knowledge Production in the Central African Copperbelt' by Miles Larmer
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Shruti Kapila (Cambridge),‘Violent Fraternity: Indian Political Thought in the Global Age’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Sujit Sivasundaram (Cambridge),‘Colombo as Idea and Artefact'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Ria Kapoor (Manchester), 'The 1972 Ugandan Asian Expulsion: Making a Transnational Diaspora fit a World of Nation-States'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Su Lin Lewis (Bristol): ‘Intimate Solidarities: Mobility and Hospitality in the Women’s International Socialist Movement 1955-1970’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Alexander Morrison (New College, Oxford), ‘Russian Turkestan and the First World War’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor John T. Sidel (LSE), ‘From Bohemia to Balintawak, Baku to Bandung, Antananarivo and Guangzhou to Điện Biên Phủ: Cosmopolitan Circuitries of Revolution in Southeast Asia’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Thomas Blom Hansen (Stanford), ‘The Law of Force: The Violent Heart of Indian Politics’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Guillemette Crouzet (Warwick), ‘Empire of the Sand? Persian Gulf “Piracy”, the French threat to India, and British imperial responses’
- JOINT SEMINAR: (OCGH & Modern European History Seminar) Professor Robert Gerwarth (University College Dublin), Professor Rana Mitter (Oxford), 'Global-European Civil Wars’
- Damien Bérubé
- Shang Cheng
- Federica Costantino
- Benjamin Gladstone
- Patrick (Pak Hei) Hao
- Adrian Kwong
- Amita Mistry
- Adrita Mitra
- Kimberley Nicholson
- Rozen Whitworth
- Julie Partsch
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Round Table discussion on Gender on the Margins in Global History
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Graduate Student Presentations
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Siobhan Hearne (Durham University), ‘Life at the Social and Imperial Margins: The World of Prostitution in the late Russian Empire’
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Dr Jessica Hinchy (Nanyang Technological University), ‘Intimacy and Violence: The making of gendered margins and criminalized people in colonial India’
- SEMINAR (TGHS): Special event in conjunction with REAG (Race Equality Action Group)
- Dr Hunter Harris
- 2-Day Conference: Medical Identities in Global History
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Jamie Belich, ‘Urban Colonialism in Global History. From Ancient Athens to Modern New York via Early Modern Istanbul'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Kim Wagner, 'The most illuminating thing I have ever seen’: Photography, Violence and the Bud Dajo Massacre of 1906'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Hunter Harris, ‘The Problem of Legal Pluralism in the Eighteenth-Century British Empire’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Lia Brazil, ‘International Law and War in the White British Empire: Ireland and South Africa 1899-1921’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Ismay Milford, ‘A Zambian not at Bandung and the uses of global biography’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor James Smithies, ‘Modes of Historical Analysis: Digital Approaches to Global and Imperial History’
- SEMINAR (GIH): Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations
- SEMINAR (GIH): Global and Imperial History graduate student research presentations
- New Intellectual Histories of the Global South
- Oxford Centre for Global History Inaugural 'Anthony Gwilliam' Annual Lecture
- CALL FOR PAPERS: TGHS Postgraduate Conference: Encounters and Exchanges in a Global Past
- New Publication, Sacred Kingship in World History, edited by A, Azfar Moin and Alan Strathern.
- TGHS - 2022 Jan-Georg Deutsch Debate
- Oxford & Empire Thesis Fair - Histories of Race and Empire
- CONFERENCE: What Was Iberian Asia? New Perspectives on Spanish and Portuguese Exploration 1500-1700
- Connected Histories Twenty-Five Years Later
- 2022 Astor Lecture in Medical Humanities - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Interdisciplinary Roundtable Discussion - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Graduate Student and ECR Lunchtime Workshop: Global Health Emergencies and the Medical Humanities
- Oxford Centre for Global History Inaugural Annual Lecture: Professor James Belich, 'Why Europe? Y. Pestis. The Black Death and the Rise of Europe'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Yasmin Khan, 'Men of their time? The afterlife of the Indian Raj in Oxford'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Katherine Paugh, '“Disorders of Bestial Origin”: Race and Venereal Disease in the Atlantic World'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Debin Ma, 'Ideology and Economic Change: the Contrasting Paths to the Modern Economy in late 19th century China and Japan'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Professor Jennifer Morgan, 'Reckoning with Slavery: Gender, Kinship, and Capitalism in the Early Black Atlantic'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Harriet Mercer, 'Empire and the eighteenth-century origins of global temperature'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Pedro Aires Oliveira, '“Fellow Travelling” in the age of decolonisation: Basil Davidson and the independence struggles in Lusophone Africa'
- SEMINAR (GIH): Dr Geert Castryck, 'The De-Imperialization of Colonialism: Revisiting Colonial Reforms and Anti-Colonial Movements in the 1920s'
- Dr Axel Rudi
- Book Launch: China's Cold War Science Dipolomacy by Gordon Barrett
- Maldivian History: A drop in the Indian Ocean
- Dr Sultonbek Aksakolov
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Dani Ploeger, Anarchist Technologies and Stateless Sovereignty: Tactical Art for the Rojava Revolution
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Knut Rio, The Question of Indigenous Sovereignties
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Theodoros Rakopoulos, "Against realities on the ground": Untethered Sovereignty and Absentee Statecraft among Cypriot Refugees
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, Power of Death and Sovereignty: A revisit from a Sacrificial Perspective (Nepal)
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Rebecca Bryant, Aporetic States: Or, What Non-Recognition Tells us About Sovereignty
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Igor Cherstich, A Nation without Secrets: Prophetic Revelation and (In)perfect Statelessness in Libya
- Seminar (Stateless Sovereignties): Zaheer Kazmi, Anarchist Imperium: Postcolonial Gods and Masters
- Enforcing Abolition and the Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention in the Nineteenth Century
- New World Royalists: Slavery and Inheritance in Plantation Jamaica
- Manifesting Colonial Collectivities: Black Women and Trauma in Mid-Colonial Mexico
- Call for Papers: Slavery, Institutions, and Empire: Moving Beyond Microhistory
- GIH DPhil Presentations
- GIH MSt Presentations
- Changing Global Orders
- Oxford Centre for Global History Inaugural Anthony Gwilliam Annual Lecture: “Why Europe? Y. Pestis. The Black Death and the Rise of Europe”
- The Waning of American Hegemony in the Middle East
- Mapping Gulf Infrastructure and Territory
- Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India
- Worldmaking in the Hijaz: Muslims between Indian and Soviet Visions of Managing Difference, 1919-1926
- Made In Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization
- Evolving Traditions: Networks of Empire and the Changing Economies of Islamic Intellectual Production in East Africa (c. 1800-1945)
- James Belich - The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe (Princeton University Press, 2022)
- New Talk available: Yves Daccord delivers lecture on the future of NGOs.
- SEMINAR: Professor Gustavo A. Del Angel (CIDE, Mexico), 'Private and state-owned banks in times of high instability. Mexico 1977-1990'
- Questioning ‘Western Philosophy’: Philosophical, Historical, & Historiographical Challenges
- Seeing is Believing: stories of forced migration through the lens of creative technologies
- Doctoral Studentship for 4th Year Students at Oxford, Global History of Capitalism Project, 2023-2024
- 2023 Astor Lecture in Global History: Why Is China So Big? Rethinking the Realm and its Subjects under the Qing by Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- Astor Global History Roundtable: Why is China So Big? with Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- Astor Global History Lunchtime Workshop: The Great Divergence, twenty years on with Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe
- The Jacques Moreillon Seminar
- Oxford Centre for Global History 2nd Anthony Gwilliam Annual Lecture
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- From Empires of Coal and Steam to the Petro-States and Saltwater Kingdoms: The Indian Ocean Roots of Fossil-Fueled Water in the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf, 1850-2100
- Tata: The Global Corporation That Built Indian Capitalism
- Malabar's Golden Trail: From the Indian Ocean to the Global Economy
- The Cultural Revolution in a Rural County of China
- Where is Asia in the History of Early Modern Capitalism?
- "A Sea of Wealth": Sayyid Sa'id bin Sultan, the Omani Empire, and the Making of an Oceanic Marketplace
- A Climate of State-Building in Equatorial Eastern Africa c.1840-1875
- A Climate of State-Building in Equatorial Eastern Africa c.1840-1875
- Itinerant Belonging: Gujarat’s Merchant Havelis and Occluded Histories of Indian Ocean Capitalism
- Cosmopolitan Graves: Thamboosamy Pillai and Legacy Making and Unmaking in British Malaya
- Chokepoints: Temporalities of Navigation in the Red Sea
- Persianate Luxury: The Tangible and Intangible Legacy of the Indian Ocean Wine Trade
- Fishing for the Past: Histories of Maritime Archaeology and Anthropology in the Indian Ocean
- An Environmental History of the Indian Ocean
- Public Health in China: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
- The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Story of Two Translators Between Qing China and the British Empire
- Roundtable discussion of Mooring the Global Archive
- Workshop - “Domicide”: State violence and the destruction of home in the Middle East and China
- Oxford Centre for Global History: Use of cookies on this website
- Workshop - Periodising Global History: What is Early Modernity? What is Modernity?
- Rabinder Singh: Human Rights Law in its Historical Context
- Conference - Broadcasting Colonialism: Sight, Sound and Media Technologies in the Colonial World
- Professor Oystein LaBianca
- Professor Saliha Belmessous
- Oxford Centre for Global History 3rd Anthony Gwilliam Annual Lecture
- Crafting a new global order? The United Nations and international politics in the 1990s
- International Conference: Catholicism and the Cold War in Latin America
- AGW Lecture Series
- Richard Reid - The African Revolution: A History of the Long Nineteenth Century (Princeton University Press, 2025)
- Peter Frankopan - The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Bloomsbury, 2023)
- Professor Andrew Thompson
- Daniel Leese - 'Historical Justice under State Socialism'
- GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'Beyond Boundaries: Developing Intellectual History'
- GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'Folksongs and Inclusion in Early Modernity: A Comparative Study'
- GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'Circulation: Object memory, Global Exchange and the First English Embassy to India'
- *CANCELLED* GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'Medicine for Ghosts: Visions, Possessions, and Medical Exchange in Early Modern Southeast Asia'
- GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'The Global Nature of Mughal Early Modernity'
- GIH Friday Research Seminar - 'Imperialism and Ethnology: The Ottoman Case'
- Mapping Civilizations: The World from the West
- Megan Barber
- Hilary Term Lecture 2025 - 'Historical Justice under State Socialism'
- New Publication - 'Converting Rulers: Global Patterns, 1450-1850'
- Book Launch - Converting Rulers: Global Patterns, 1450-1850
- Alan Strathern - Coverting Rulers: Global Patterns, 1450-1850 (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
- A Thompson & M Thomas, The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire (Oxford University Press, 2018)
- New Publication - 'The African Revolution: A History of the Long Nineteenth Century'
- Oxford Transnational and Global History Workshop
- CONFERENCE: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- EARLY CAREER/DOCTORAL WORKSHOP: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- KEYNOTE LECTURE: Linda Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 'The Risk Sensitivity of Global Liquidity Flows: Heterogeneity, Recent Evolution and Drivers'
- The African Revolution: A History of the Long Nineteenth Century - Richard Reid talks to Nick Higham
- Oxford Centre for European History and Isaiah Berlin Annual Lecture: On Mechanical Traces: Reflecting on Connoisseurship, Once Again
- Oxford TGHS Call for Papers - Global Empires: Transitions, Imaginations and Contestations
- GIH Postgraduate Student Presentations
- Early Modern History in the Making: The J H Elliott History Forum Inaugural Symposium
- Early Career Workshop for Global Early Modern Intellectual History