Panel discussion: ‘The Trouble with Open Science’
Participants: Prof Philip Mirowski (Notre Dame), Prof Sabina Leonelli (Exeter). Chair: Dr Javier Lezaun (InSIS).
Tuesday 21 May, 2-4pm
Seminar Room, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS), 64 Banbury Road
Registration required
This event is part of Professor Mirowski’s visiting Astor Lectureship in Science and Capitalism. Professor Mirowski will participate in two other events:
- Lecture: ‘The Infirmity of Open Science in Pharmaceutical Research’ – 22 May, 5pm in the Amersi Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College (followed by drinks). Framed within the broader question of what counts as good science within an Open Science framework, Professor Mirowski will provide a provocative argument about the history and context of the current drive for open science, presenting evidence from the pharmaceuticals sector, and suggesting we should rethink the enthusiasm by many governments for their promotion of open science.
- Roundtable workshop: ‘The Market and Science in Long-term Perspective’ – Friday 24 May, 12pm-2pm – Amersi Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College. Participants will include Philip Mirowski, Rob Iliffe (Oxford) and Christopher McKenna (Oxford).
To register for all events, please visit or contact
Philip Mirowski is Carl Koch Professor of Economics and the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of, among others, The Knowledge we have Lost in Information (2017), More Heat than Light (1989), Machine Dreams (2001), ScienceMart (2011), and Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste (2013). He is a recipient of the Ludwig Fleck Prize from the Society for Social Studies of Science, and was named Distinguished Scholar by the History of Economics Society. His recent research on the problems of open science has appeared in Social Studies of Science. Outside of the economics profession, he is best known for his work on the history and political philosophy of neoliberalism, and his methodological watchword that intellectual history is the story of thought collectives, not heroic individuals.