WORKSHOP: War, Health and the Environment in the Modern Age
6 June 14:00
Colin Matthew Room, History Faculty
Speakers include: Margaret Humphreys (Duke University); Chulhee Lee (Seoul National University); Mary Brazelton (Cambridge); Guillaume Picketty (Sciences Po); Mark Harrison (Oxford); Jeong-Ran Kim (Oxford); Atsuko Naono (Oxford); Rod Bailey (Oxford); Micah Muscolino (Oxford).
Oxford Centre for Global History and the Centre for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology Oxford
Historians have come to recognize the crucial role that health and environment play in modern warfare. At the same time, the history of the interaction between disease and war has been a particularly fruitful sub-discipline in the history of medicine. This part-day workshop brings together leading scholars on the history of war and its interaction with health and the environment in the modern period, with a particular emphasis on global contexts.
Organized by: Rod Bailey, Erica Charters, Mark Harrison