Launch of the Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH) network

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All are welcome on 8 November for the multimedia launch of the Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH) network in Oxford, and what promises to be a richly stimulating discussion with a cross-disciplinary and cross-professional panel.

How, and to what extent, can colonial ports be understood as nodes of global history? What are ‘colonial ports’ anyway, and what prospects and challenges are there for incorporating them (further) into global history as a practice, both in research and in public engagement?    

Short position statements from our panellists will be interspersed with live segments of music from and/or associated with colonial ports. These presentations will then be followed by discussion among the panellists and with the audience.                 



Dr Robert Blyth (Senior Curator, World History, National Maritime Museum)

Prof Elleke Boehmer (English, Oxford)

Prof Erica Charters (History, Oxford)

Dr Linda O’Keeffe (Sound Arts, Lancaster)

Prof David Pratten (Social Anthropology, Oxford)

Prof Reinhard Strohm (Music, Oxford)