Day 1: 19 June 2019 – Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford
10.30-11.00: Registration and refreshments
11.00-12.20: Keynote 1 – Prof. Margaret Macmillan, University of Oxford
“Making Peace is Harder than Waging War—Georges Clemenceau”
Chair: Dr. Alice Kelly, Rothermere American Institute (Oxford)
12.20-13.10: Lunch
13.10-14.30: Panel 1 – First World War and Global Religions project
Chair: Dr Faridah Zaman, University of Oxford
Dr. Adrian Gregory, University of Oxford
Dr. Patrick Houlihan, University of Oxford
Dr. Hussein Omar, University of Oxford
14.30-14.50: Refreshments
14.50-16.10: Panel 2 – Hunger Draws the Map project
Chair: TBC
Prof. Sir Hew Strachan, University of St. Andrews
Prof. Baroness Sophie de Schaepdrijver, Penn State University
Dr. Claire Morelon, University of Padova
Dr. Mary Cox, University of Oxford Associates (TBC)
16.10-17.30: Keynote 2 – Dr. Adrian Gregory, University of Oxford
“The First World War as Millenarian Moment”
Chair: Dr. Jane Potter, Oxford Brookes University
18.00-18.45: Drinks reception – Maison Française d’Oxford