MSt Global and Imperial History

Material culture Ashmolean Museum

The MSt in Global and Imperial History is a nine-month programme that encourages students to develop intellectual and practical familiarity with advanced research in the global history of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Australasia, and the Americas (excluding the US). Global and imperial history in this context implies transoceanic and transcontinental connections, comparisons, and exchanges between cultures, polities and societies. It also examines broad patterns and systems in history, whether religious, political, economic, cultural, or ecological.

Global history, in other words, is history with a global scope (often including European dimensions) that emphasizes a comparative methodology. Students are not expected to master the histories of multiple regions, but to use a global approach to cast light on their own research areas.


Oliver Cook, MSt in Global and Imperial History, 2016-17:

I found studying the Global and Imperial History masters hugely interesting. The course was particularly interesting to me as it challenged my traditional approach to history, leading me, particularly, to think more comparatively towards historical questions. This I found was of paramount importance in helping me to form the main question to my dissertation, as well as a means to continually think afresh and challenge the prevalent historiography. I found the G&IH masters not only practically opened a new way to think about history but also, by being surrounded by fellow students who were each thinking creatively about a hugely diverse range of historical topics led me to have an immensely enjoyable and interesting year.